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How To Leverage 1-STEP *Velocity* Pages To Sell "Hidden Gem" Products Using An Online Strategy My Guests Used To Average $9342 In Weekly Sales (and total $485K) during 2024!

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During this Masterclass, my guests are going to reveal…

  • Why these 1-Step velocity pages can lead to dramatically higher conversion rates, and the secret tool we use to create them..
  • How to identify hidden-in-plain-sight "gold-mine" products (that most sellers overlook).
  • Real-life examples of quirky “Wait…that sold?!” products that turned out to be surprise winners – plus why they worked so well.
  • The 3-Step method to validate demand, so you know people will actually buy a product before you list it online.
  • Why you should IGNORE niches, but instead focus on high-demand PRODUCTS that have large audiences of enthusiastic buyers.
  • And how my guests use all of the above to get set up and selling lightning-fast.

We only have limited capacity on each call so be sure to TURN UP 20 MINUTES EARLY when the time comes. Each call will be running at FULL capacity and there will be a chance that you won't be able to get on if you are late.